再論雲礦 HashFlare 的 SHA-256 合約的最小購買金額該是多少?

在之前 2017-12-09 發布的這篇「雲礦 HashFlare 的 SHA-256 合約該怎麼買? 最小購買金額該是多少?」中,我們提到,因為有最低提領金額的限制,所以不應該只買最小算力刻度 10 GH/s,不然最後會無法提領出來,並且推算出若想每月都提領一次,依當時的最低提領金額規則,0.0115 BTC,建議一次購買 3 TH/s 以上。

後來在 2017-12-22 時,HashFlare 五倍的調高了這個最低提領金額來到了 0.0506 BTC,讓網路上罵聲四起,一直罵到現在都還在罵,多數認為 HashFlare 這個行為明顯的是要資金不足了,大家都不用出金了,是詐騙 (Scam) 的前兆。但其實你若仔細看它公告,它聲明這只是實驗性的、臨時性的提高,並不是常態,而且更多人不知道的是,它在做這個調高的同時,另外有輔以配套措施,只是 HashFlare 這家公司很怪,它明明可以高調說明,在臉書及推特上道出聲明,消除網路上的疑慮,但它只是選擇默默的在它的 FAQ 中的一個小角落解釋。

我們來看它在這篇「Why Bitcoin Withdrawals and Payments Are Taking so Long to Confirm?」中的最末段「What if my final balance is lower than the current minimum withdrawal amount?」:

Remember, that we change the minimum withdrawal amount and transaction fee reactively based on external factors. Should the situation on the network improve, we will lower the minimum withdrawal amount.
Currently, we are looking for a solution for those, whose total balance is smaller than the minimum withdrawal at the end of their contracts. At the moment, we can confirm that users will still be able to make a withdrawal in case if their balance will be lower than the minimum withdrawal amount by the time when their contract expires.


好了啦,大家不要再罵了,人家 HashFlare 還是有考慮到細節的。