先前情提要一下。我在 Genesis 的那份 10 TH/s BTC 永久合約,在去年八月初的時候,因為收益不足以支付維護費的緣故,於是進入了 60 天終止合約倒數計時。後來 Genesis 很有誠意的提出了維護費預付包的解套方案,這個在我這篇「好消息! Genesis Mining 終於提出有誠意的解套方式了!」有交代了,最後我也還真的在 2018-10-04 買了這個預付包,詳情記載在這篇「潮州計畫定期報告 - 自己的合約自己救, 預購半年期維護費用, 完成!」。
這半年以來,確實每天都有收益進來,但是很遺憾的,每天的收益都沒有高過預付的維護費,這也 OK,這是在原先預期的最糟的狀況中。但是有一點不在我的預期之中,那就是預付包在 2019-04-03 到期之後,Genesis 竟然沒有提醒我要再買預購包,所以我的收益報表就停止在 2019-04-03,過了好幾天我才發現。
這個狀況讓我有點惱怒,另外也隱約感受到 Genesis 應該是有意藉此處理掉我這個包袱,原因是我在系統內也已經找不到當初的那個可以預購的入口。但不管如何,我就循它們的客服管道問了 一下,哪裡可以再次購買那個預付包?結果得到的回答很吐血,長長一大篇,看來都是罐頭語,然後裡面一直強調一件事,That option was for a limited time only,意思應該是想告訴我那個預付包現在不會再賣了,但是我覺得這好像跟當初說的有出入,所以就又再回信問它該如何買預付包,但是來回幾次它都是那一些罐頭語,了無新意鬼打牆,最後我用了下面這樣看似比較強硬的措辭,想說沒結果就算了。
My maintenance upfront pack expired on 3rd of April 2019.
that's confirmed.
I know that.
No need to repeat 100 times.
The daily mining reward was no longer able to cover the daily maintenance fee.
I know that.
No need to repeat 100 times.
And also.
The 60 day things.
I know that.
No need to repeat 100 times.
What I really want to know
Where is the link that I can buy the maintenance upfront pack again.
thank you for contacting us.
Given that you are a loyal customer of ours and having our customers' best interests as a priority, we have decided to approve your request for the activation of the 'Buy Maintenance Upfront' option.
This will give you the opportunity to purchase the maintenance pack, cover the cost of the maintenance fee for a certain amount of days and continue the mining of your SHA-256 mining plan.
In order for you to be able to purchase the maintenance pack again, we will need you to provide us with the following info (so please do so by replying to this e-mail):
Once we receive the requested info, a payment link will be generated and sent to you. After you successfully finish the purchase, the maintenance pack will be approved.
- The amount of TH/s you would like to purchase the maintenance pack for (applies only to the currently active SHA-256 contracts, with previously activated maintenance pack)
- The payment method you would like to use (credit card or BTC)
- The number of days you would like to purchase the maintenance pack for (range from 1 - 720 days)
Please be aware that the payment link will be valid only for a certain period of time so the payment needs to be completed before it expires.
Thank you for waiting patiently for our response regarding this matter.
Best regards,
Genesis Mining Customer Service
各位如果有跟我相同遭遇的,可以如法炮製一番,先跟 Genesis 要到這個預付包的購買連結,再來慢慢考慮要不要繼續砸錢下去維持這份合約,別讓自己的權益睡著了。要不然,60 天以後,以我的狀況來說,也就是 2019-06-02 這天,我這份合約就要被迫中止了。
是不是,我要不要繼續預付是一回事,但是你 Genesis 不能這樣假裝沒事直接要讓合約中止!